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Resourced Provision

Resourced Provision Fagley Primary school

You’ll find a warm welcome in our Resourced Provision as part of Fagley Primary school.


Fagley’s Resourced Provision is a specialist provision within the mainstream school which caters for pupils’ with ASC/ Speech Language and communication needs. Pupils in the resourced provision will have access to a specially tailored environment and curriculum to meet their individual needs.


The provision is intended to meet the needs of up to 12 pupils who:


Have the potential for inclusive academic learning with mainstream peers

Have the potential to learn appropriate social behaviours from mainstream peers but struggle to maintain this throughout the school day

Require access to a high adult: pupil ratio.

Require access to a specialist resourced classroom with specially trained teaching and skilled support staff

Require ASC/SLCN specific strategies such as Intensive Interaction and Attention Autism

Need a modified and controlled social/ language environment with supporting interventions.

Benefit from an individualised specific curriculum delivered alongside the National Curriculum, with differentiation and personalisation as required with direct teaching of social skills.

Need a quiet, low stimulation environment

Require small group and 1:1 teaching

Need a sanctuary/ safe space for key periods of the day

Require support to manage behaviour relating to sensory needs, communication and theory of mind difficulties


What are the aims of the provision?

To provide detailed on-going assessments to determine future educational needs

To provide intensive ASC/SLCN specific teaching with appropriate strategies to enable them to become successful learners

To provide pupils with the opportunity to work alongside mainstream peers in learning opportunities, but at the same time to be able to access a supportive and nurturing environment.


Transition to the provision

Should a young person need access to the Resource Provision, the following process is followed to ensure that they are familiar with their new setting:

A transition booklet will be provided which should be completed by the young person, their current school and parents.

The young person will be observed in their current school, or a home visit will be made.

The family will be shown around the resource provision.

For some children, having several visits to the provision will ease anxiety. For others, visiting is an interruption to their predictable routine and can cause them significant distress. The young people will be invited to take photographs of their new setting so that they can familiarise themselves with the setting.


Curriculum and inclusion:

Whilst the aim of the provision is for pupils to access the National Curriculum, sometimes this may not always be possible for the full day. Some pupils may find the busyness of the classroom too demanding and may need some time away in a low arousal environment.  Other pupils may benefit from the teaching of speech and language or social skills.


As such, the Resource provision aims to use a range of different interventions to differentiate and personalise the child’s timetable according to their needs (please note that these will be used according to the pupil’s individual needs and abilities).








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Whilst pupils will be assessed alongside their peers, sometimes additional forms of assessment may need to take place which are broken down into smaller steps, or will assess different areas of their learning. Assessment tools which may be used are:


Pre key stage assessment

Sensory profile


Autism Education Trust (AET) assessment framework

B squared

A learning journal is also kept by staff which reflects the pupil’s small steps progress through observations and photographs linked to the above assessment methods.


Access to the school day:

Pupils with Autism/ SLCN benefit from structure and routine. As such the resource provision aims to provide a calm, environment which has a concrete structure that all pupils can access.

Pupils will be met by Resource provision staff at the gate.

Pupils to bring their bag every day – to include the home school diary (this will help where pupils arrive via taxi), a spare change of clothes and a snack.

Pupils will enter the provision and complete their daily task e.g. coat off, collect tray with equipment and timetable for the day; attend to their weekly job e.g. helping prepare snack; completing the calendar; choosing from the bucket game; reading their book; having a small amount of choose time before lessons start.

Pupils will, in accordance with their needs and abilities, follow the school timetable. However, this may be differentiated or delivered at certain points within the Resource provision with reasonable adjustments made to meet their outcomes as stated in their EHCP.

Resource staff will support pupils to transition to class and to enable them to remain there with their peers. However, should a pupil need to return to the resource provision, they will have the opportunity to continue their work there, have some calming time before returning to class. Should this not be possible, then the pupil will have the opportunity to complete their work in the provision.

Structured interventions will be incorporated into the school day to help develop pupils’ speech, language and social interaction needs.

Pupil’s lessons are broken into smaller chunks and pupils can earn ‘choose’ time throughout the day for completing set tasks and demonstrating appropriate behaviours. Positive social interactions and the modelling of communication with others are continually encouraged throughout the school day.

Visual support systems are consistently used throughout the Resource Provision to promote pupil’s independence and concrete understanding of the structure of the school day. We also use a very clear behaviour strategy to support our learners.  


Communication with pupils/ parents/ teachers

Communication is key for all responsible for the teaching, care and wellbeing of our pupils. As a result of this we have a number of ways to communicate with:



Communication for pupils will take many forms. This will be dependent on the child’s needs and level of understanding.

Visual timetables, sentence strips, Boardmaker symbols, now and next boards, as well as teacher verbal instruction will be used to support learning and the understanding of daily routines.

Pupil with ASC/ SLCN often respond well to routine and rewards, therefore, the Resource Provision uses a series of rewards to reinforce positive work and behaviours e.g. choice time; rewards time; certificates and individual rewards.



In order for the pupils to be able to access mainstream lessons, the staff in the resource provision have an effective dialogue with school staff to enable them to check on the curriculum;  assessment and rewards being given so that this information can then be communicated home;



Pupils will bring home a home school diary at the end of each day which staff  will endeavour to complete this every day, it may not always be possible.

If parents have a question or query they can write it in the diary and a member of the team will get back to the parent, either via email/ phone call/ home school diary or face to face at an appropriate point during the day.

Parents will be invited to Annual reviews and any other meetings concerning the pupil. Should parents require an interpreter then it will be important the resourced provision is informed of this as soon as possible. It is important to remember that we are an approachable team who want the best for all of our pupils so please let us know of any queries or concerns so that we can try to resolve them.


Useful numbers:

Fiona Clifford Teacher in Charge email:

 School no: 01274771124