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Recall Evening

3 February 2017 (by keira burnsall (kburnsall))

Year 6

On Tuesday 31st January the Year 6 pupils from last year (Year 7 now!) came back to Fagley to meet the present Year 6 for Recall Night. The event is a part of the transition programme that the school holds each year to ensure that the pupils have a smooth transition to Secondary School. The pupils from the previous Year 6 are invited back to school to meet the present Year 6 and talk to them about their experiences at Secondary School. The children take part in social activities that enable them to mix and ask questions and give answers about how the move for the previous Year 6 found the transition. The children find this experience very informative because they are able to build a picture of what the future holds for them before they experience the move themselves. A lot of fears are alleviated on the night because the children get the full facts from the children that have already experienced the move. Homework and detentions are always top of the list!!!!! But our Year 6 children are so good at handing in homework they won’t have a problem with either! The children were able to see the children in their Secondary School uniforms and how grown up they have become since leaving. The children looked very smart in their uniforms and it was very obvious how much they had grown and become more responsible for themselves. The previous Year 6 shared planners and experiences with the present Year 6 and talked about how they had made friends easily and soon found their way around a bigger school. The children then sat down together and shared a tea of pizza and fresh orange juice. Photographs taken on the night along with a question and answer collage will be displayed in school for parents to come in and take a look at if they wish to do so. Thank you to all the children and staff who made the Recall Night one to remember!